More often than not, there are more dogs than people at Tres Sabores. Julie’s three dogs – Bouzy Rouge, Cava, and Brilla – are named after various aspects in the wine world. If it’s a warm and sunny day, you’ll find them in the shade of the patio accompanying you while you sip on Tres Sabores wine.

Musigny (Moose)
The partner of Bouzy Rouge and father of Cava, Musigny – or Moose, as we like to call him – is the loveable stalwart of Tres Sabores. Ever present in the activities of the ranch, Moose can always be found taking care of guests and ensuring that they’re giving him ample head scratches.
Moose passed on September 16th, 2017.
He will always remain our most loyal companion.

Boozy Rouge
Bouzy Rouge – Bouzy for short – is partner to Moose and mother of Cava. She is the careful observer and protector of her domain. Her wise eyes have seen many harvests here at Tres Sabores.

Our beautiful Cava, young and full of life. Two years of age, Cava loves to play with the guests and give her parents a hard time. She’s as bubbly and delightful as the wine she’s named after.

The newest addition to the Tres Sabores family is Fi-Fi. Although eight years old, Fi-Fi is quickly adjusting to ranch life. Given good weather and the company of Jon E., Fi-Fi will grace the tasting room with her kind spirit and warm smile.

Crooze, Moriah’s dog, is named after her love of cruising through the vineyard and pastures. Inquisitive and loyal, Crooze rarely strays far from Moriah.